Corel license validation service disabled
Corel license validation service disabled

corel license validation service disabled

In any case, whether you wan t to get rid of Protexis while keeping the application that dependen t on it still working prop erly and able to run (contrary to popular belief, Protexis Lic ensing serv ice is not required for program to run), or now need to clean the Protexis PSIService spyware manually due to non-r emov al by origina l application t hat installs it, the procedures to c omplete uninstall and remove Protexis is easy. Besides, PSIServ ice.exe does not uninstall together with the application that installed it, when the application is uninstalled and remov ed.

corel license validation service disabled

#Corel license validation service disabled pro

Thus PSI service is normally installed ot r as Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2, Corel Paint Shop Pro XI (X1), Corel Paint Shop Pro X, that uses its serv ice to gather licensing informa tion to s end home much like s pyware, e authenticate user t hat uses genuine v ersion of th To make matter worse, the Protexis Licensing serv ice may make PC boots up slower, and when disabled, will cause Corel Paint Shop Pro to st op working, in addition to warn you of running illega l copy of non- genuine softwa re. SIServic s copy protection RM (digi ement) and license managem ch intends to protect a software or application from piracy and illegal copying. The program is PSIService.exe by Protexis, which installs a Protexis Licensing service or Protexis Licensing V2 service in Windows operating system. If you have i i licensed v ersion of Corel software pro you probably may notice a thir ty unann ounced software application into your computer too.

Corel license validation service disabled